The views and opinions expressed in the stories shared on “Awaken Your Soul” podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the host, Lauren Smith, her affiliated businesses, or the show itself. The purpose of this podcast is to provide a platform for individuals to share their personal stories, experiences, and perspectives.

The stories presented on this podcast are based on the personal recollections and interpretations of the storytellers. While efforts are made to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the content, we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy or factual correctness of the stories shared. Listeners are advised to exercise their own judgment and discretion when interpreting and applying any information provided in the podcast.

Furthermore, any references made to specific individuals, organizations, events, or products in the stories are solely for illustrative purposes. They should not be construed as endorsements or condemnations by the host, Lauren Smith, her affiliated businesses, or the show itself.

The content provided on “Awaken Your Soul” podcast is intended for entertainment, educational, and inspirational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice or guidance. If you require specific advice or assistance, we recommend consulting with appropriate professionals in the relevant field.

By accessing and listening to this podcast, you acknowledge that “Awaken Your Soul,” its host, and affiliated businesses are not responsible or liable for any actions, decisions, or consequences based on the information presented in the stories.

Finally, please note that all intellectual property rights related to the podcast, including but not limited to the stories, audio recordings, and associated materials, are reserved. Reproduction, distribution, or any other unauthorized use of the podcast’s content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.